Golf Course
Environmental Consulting

Environmental & Turf Services provides experienced support to golf courses seeking to reduce their environmental footprint including integrated management plans, water quality risk assessment, mitigation and monitoring, and much more.

Firing Range
Environmental Consulting

Environmental & Turf Services provides knowledgeable consulting to firing ranges looking to reduce their environmental footprint, including proactive environmental stewardship, contaminant assessment and remediation, and much more.

Water Quality Risk
Assessment & Remediation

Environmental & Turf Services specializes in water quality monitoring, management, and contaminant prevention services for businesses that impact ground water, surface water, well water, and other environmental factors. Our specialties are pesticides, nutrients, and heavy metals.

Expert Witness

Environmental & Turf Services can provide professional expert witness testimony for federal, state, and local trials involving environmental compliance and regulations. Our staff has years of experience and advanced degrees in hydrogeology, organic chemistry, geology, toxicology, and more.

Golf Courses

Custom integrated environmental mitigation and management plans perfect for your golf course.

Firing Ranges

Management, assessment, and remediation consulting of lead and arsenic contamination from firing ranges.


Complete support for environmental fate and risk assessment-related issues pursuant to the TSCA & FIFRA (as amended).

Expert Witness

Professional and experienced testimony for federal, state, and local level environmental compliance trials.

Environmental & Turf Services, Inc

Our specialty at Environmental & Turf Services is helping our clients take a proactive approach to environmental stewardship. We help golf courses, firing ranges, and other businesses predict, monitor, prevent, and manage their water quality impact and environmental contamination. With an extensive background in agricultural pesticides, FIFRA compliance, golf course turf, toxic substance regulation, toxic torts cases, and heavy metal assessments at shooting ranges, we are the ideal partner for managing your ecological footprint.

Comprehensive Scientific Expertise

Our expertise and services cover everything from hydrogeology, geology, groundwater and surface water to turf agronomy, aquatic and terrestrial species, and beyond.

Compliance Support

We provide strategic expertise for complete compliance with both the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

Contact Us

Environmental & Turf Services combines hands-on field monitoring expertise with advanced simulation modeling for industry-leading data accuracy and support.